Saturday, March 11, 2017

Music easel card

I love this easel card.  I should make them

more often.  It's a great way to
display a card and so easy to make.

 I didn't realize until I got started that
it was a square card, but I'm giving
it to someone to give to someone
else so they can deal with the postage!
It came out just the way I hoped
it would.  I wish I'd have had a higher
flower to use as the prop, but I didn't.
 I could have punched a couple and made
one that stood up a little more but it
didn't occur to me at the time!  But I
like it.  Maybe I'll make a few more
in different themes.

It is COLD out and snow was drifting 
around when I went out this morning.
Mother nature can't make up her
mind, I guess.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. love the card. Its cold here and snowing just a bit. Mother Nature is crazy!


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...