Sunday, March 5, 2017

Big day today!

Today I will be signing all five songs in church!
I go to church with and attend sign classes
with three of the most wonderful women
I know. I am proud to call them my friends.
Pam, Judy and Coleen encourage me,
support me, answer my questions about the signs
and are just always there for me. I couldn't
do this today without them.
And, Cathy, if you are reading this, your
support and encouragement has meant
the world to me! Thank you!

I know I will mess up, especially with
"Mighty Redeemer"  but God doesn't
call the qualified, He qualifies the
called.  I feel like this is what
I'm supposed to be doing, so
I'm stepping out on the water
so to speak.  I  hope I am not
tempted to  look down.  Actually,
I'll be watching Coleen, LOL! 

 I made this last night while watching
TV.  I don't like it.  I guess the bottom
part is what I don't like.  I didn't know
what to put there and there was a
huge blank space.  I like the flower
and mats.  It almost looks like the 
yellow mat is floating.  

It's supposed to get up to 48 degrees
today.  HEAT WAVE!  I hope it's true!

Happy Sunday!


  1. You will do awesome just remember to breathe and believe in yourself that you can and will do it

  2. I like the card, maybe a greeting at the bottom would have helped to fill in the space.


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...