Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Praying hands

Another journal.  Are you sick of these
yet?  I'm making three, possibly four
of these for Christmas presents.

At first I didn't have the fibre on it and
it looked so perfectly lined up that it
was just wrong.....So I thought adding the
fibre to the spine would break things
up a bit and I like how it turned out.
I'm not finished with it yet.  On the inside
I'm going to put a pocket on and include
a bookmark, probably with the Lord's
prayer on it.  I just love journals.  They're
a gift that will last rather than get used up
quickly.  That's always the best gift, I think.

I made the trip to Ft. Wayne yesterday to get
the birds groomed.  While there I met a 
man who has two amazon parrots and when
he saw Luna he really loved her.  The problem
is that one of his birds had to have surgery
recently for a benign tumor.  He's kind of
strapped.  I told him I would come down on
the price and gave him my phone number.
I'm really  hoping he can come up with
the money because he is the kind of person
I'm looking for-someone who knows birds,
knows they need a special vet and will give
her a loving home.  A prayer about this
would be greatly appreciated.

Yesterday evening my shoulder suddenly
felt like something was stabbing in it.  This
is not good.  I just had the cortisone shot
a month ago.  I really, really don't want to
have surgery.  It wouldn't help with my signing,
for sure.  I'd still go to classes and just
work on receptive skills, I guess.  But I'm
hoping it will stop hurting.    It's not even in
the same place as before.  This is right at
the top of my shoulder.  Not good.  Sigh.


  1. Love the "Prayer Journal"!! Very appropriate - goes together well.
    Can I ask why do you want to sell Luna? If you sell her, you'd have 2 birds? Hope and pray your shoulder gets better - surgery?
    And - you mentioned that you're planning a move?! When/where?

  2. Thanks, Nancy/ I have two birds now, Luna and Lili. Luna was John's bird. She is very loud as conures are and since he died, I just have a noise tolerance problem. Lili, even though she is a macaw is relatively quiet. Hopefully I don't have to have surgery!! I don't want to. Not sure what you mean about a move, but I'm not planning on moving.

  3. On one of your blogs, you said you might be moving closer to me and soon??!!

  4. That was a joke because of the coming winter. I'd love to, but can't leave my parents. Otherwise I'd move in next door, LOL

  5. Ok! That's what I thought about your parents...


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...