Friday, June 3, 2016

More bokeh

Obviously I can't read a calendar
because  yesterday was 2nd June
not first... I woke up with a 
pretty bad headache today.  I hope
it goes away soon.  More whining, 
my a/c isn't
working right.  It runs and runs
but doesn't really pump out any
cool air so I have someone looking
at it on Wed.  Meanwhile, instead
of running up the electric bill for
no good reason, I've resorted
to old fashioned air conditioning-
opening the windows.  Before I
married John I didn't have central
air, and the window units were 
really pretty much useless in 
my opinion.  so I opened the windows.
John hated having
the windows open so I've gotten
out of the habit and besides, the air
is much better than the hot breezes
of summer.  But for the time being
open windows will have to do.

I put this on facebook and my friend 
Karen said she would give it a 
good home if it didn't have one, so
off it went to Cleveland.  I am in love
with the card and with the bokeh 
technique in general!

This is another flap card and is
for my ex's grandfather.  Such a sweet
man.  I haven't seen him in quite a while
because he lives in Norwalk, OH. which is
right by Cleveland.  He's in a nursing home
now, but doing well last I heard.  He
fell and broke something, a leg,
hip, I can't remember, and couldn't
stay alone any more, but I think at that
point he was in his 80's!!!

And finally crazy friends!  I saw
this card some time ago on pinterest.  
Yesterday I was in the mood to play
with the owl punch builder.  There are
many talented people out there
who take that punch that builds a simple
owl and make some amazing things.
I saw the other day someone had come up
with little tiny dresses they made with
the punch!  They've come up with 
super heroes, the star wars characters
I made with the card for my 
grandson, just all kinds
of neat things.  It's kind of a pain because 
it's hard to get the paper in if you only
need one tiny part.  The punch punches
out the entire thing, body, eyes, etc.  These
chicks use a scalloped half circle for
the wings.  The little thing at the
top of the head and also the beak are
made from the tiny heart which is
part of the punch as well.  It's
very hard to glue tiny things like
that, and I'm afraid I didn't
do a spectacular job.  I think next
time I'm going to use tweezers.  It
may be easier.


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great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...