Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Giving blood

This will be the very first time I've
given blood (willingly) and I'm not
sure how I feel about it.  I was 
talked into it, kind of.  There's a certain
person at church who shall remain 
nameless (Pam) who kept nagging me.
So yesterday I told God if she texed
me again I would do it.  Never make
a deal with God... !  I'm not
needle phobic, but I hear the needles
are big.  My daughter in law, Pam,
told me she had done it once and
would never do it again because she
felt like she was going to pass out
and had to stay for two hours!  I
hope that doesn't happen to me.
 I checked the list of meds thinking
maybe they wouldn't want my polluted
blood but none of the meds I take are
on the no-no list.  Hopefully I don't
chicken out at the last minute.  That
would be embarrassing!

This is the second anniversary card.
It came out OK.  I was looking for just
small gemstones at  hobby lobby 
yesterday, killing time while B'Elanna
was being groomed.  Usually I buy a
package that includes many sizes,
most of which I don't use.  I found 
small boxes of one colour each 
that don't have adhesive on the
back, but I glue them on anyway,
just in case.  I got three although the
choices were hard to make.  They were
also half off!  So I am well stocked
in the gemstone department.  I
didn't realize I had this brick embossing
folder.  It's really cool, but I
don't remember getting it.    Maybe it
was during one of my excursions to
Hobby Lobby in my sleep.  They open
just for me at night.  Don't tell anyone
though, because then everyone will
want to shop at 1 AM!
Sunday night I went to my first business
meeting at church, now that I am 
a member.  It was pretty interesting.
I still don't know a lot of the people
who are deacons and elders, but I'm
sure they are fine people.  They have the
congregation split up by last names and
each of the deacons has a group of
people which I think is kind of cool.  You
know who "your" deacon is and exactly
who to go to should you  need guidance
or whatever.
Happy Tuesday!

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great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...