Thursday, July 7, 2016


Yesterday I was at the church food
pantry.  I used to go to this church
in Fremont and still love everyone. 
Every other week I take rubber band
bracelets I've made to them and they
pass them out to the kids who come
-and the adults, too!  I found out that
one of the ladies there lost her husband
just two weeks ago.  She didn't know
how to get a hold of me.  She used
to be my prayer partner when I was
mentoring a child at Fremont elementary
through a program called "kids hope".  It 
was fulfilling, but we had trouble with some of
the teachers so unfortunately it ended.

I am supremely happy with how this
card turned out and it came easily-once
I got the measurements right.  I had a little
bit of trouble.  I miss my math whiz.  John
was a math genius-truly.  He did algebra in
pen in middle school and once came up
with a process that the teacher said was
wrong until he found it in a college text
book.  To be fair, John thought he was
a genius in all areas, which wasn't true,
but you couldn't convince him. Every time
someone didn't know something, we'd
say, "go ask John, he knows everything"
Lol.  But in math, he really was a genius.
They had a show on years ago for child
geniuses and the math problems he 
got before they did.  I was proud of him. 
 I was careful not to stroke his ego too much,
though.  he had enough of a big head
as it was!!!  I say this with great love! 

I got the test results back from my
cholesterol test .  You can view your
chart online now.  My cholesterol
has come down!  yay!  I see the doctor 
later this month and I know he will
be happy with the results.

I had an interesting morning yesterday.
I looked at my bank statement online and
found 4 charges to starbucks...wait for it
Yesterday and the it comes... in
Pennsylvania and Washington DC.  I'm
pretty sure I wasn't there, not to mention
that I've never been in a starbucks to my
knowledge.  Someone had my debit
card number and undoubtedly was
ordering gift cards online where you
don't have to have a pin.  Needless to say
it is cancelled and when they post (it looks
like two of them hadn't as of yesterday) I 
will be reimbursed.  Probably a skimmer
on a gas pump or something similar.  Who 
knows, someone from Walmart could have
grabbed it.  I doubt that, but you never
know.  Walmart is my bank.  I spend
a lot of time and money there!  But it is
all good, I got it straightened out.  I kept
feeling this little nudge to check it and
I'm sure that was God.  Thank you, Lord!

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great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...