Thursday, July 21, 2016

It is what it is

That sums up how I feel right about
now.  I had to  have the fire department
here yesterday because I smelled
gas.  It happened once last week,
but a knob was a little askew so I 
just attributed it to that.  Not the problem.
He said the igniter needs to be replaced.
I have no idea how much that's going
to cost.  More than I want to spend, I'm
sure.  I looked online and the prices are
$20.-25.  Online, that is.  Even if it
is that cheap, you still have to figure in
a service call and labour.  Just after
I had to have my a/c worked on.  This
is when I miss John the most.  He would
have handled all this stuff and I 
wouldn't have to.  I hate being alone.
Sorry, just feeling sorry for myself
today, apparently.  I guess you can't
keep a smile on your face all the time.

At least I got a pretty card out of it.

Isn't my sweet little girl ladylike?  She was
eating a chew stick.  I couldn't resist
taking the picture.

I hope y'all have a better day than I'm expecting.



  1. Beautiful card! Home ownership is a lot of work, and costly! You're doing great on your own! Everyday, it's something. Hang in there, tomorrow will be better! B'elanna is pretty!

  2. love the card. The "puppy" is darling! Hang in there. Wish I could say it gets better, but we know owning a home there is always something that needs to be repaired!

  3. Thanks, Nancy and Karen. I got out of it with only 140. so that wasn't too bad, I guess. It just seems like everything is happening all at once.


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...