Sunday, February 25, 2018

Easter carriage

Before I get to the card I have an
"oops" to report.  I forgot to put the
flower centers in before I took yesterday's
card.  Since It was so pale I didn't even
notice, so I know no one else probably did!
I got two Easter patterns yesterday.
Hey, if my friend, Karen, can post
Easter cards, so can I!  I love, love
this pattern!

It makes me think of Cinderella
when I look at it.
Today is a sad day for me.  It's
been 5 years since I lost my birds.
Here is a picture of my beautiful
Captain.  I loved her so much and
she was such an amazing bird.

She died way too soon and I mourn her
even today.  I wanted a macaw with all
my heart and when we saw her at the
pet store the price was so good that
John said we would get her.  She wasn't
weaned yet so the store owner offered
us her sibling.  No, I wanted her.  I traveled
back and forth to Fort Wayne 2-3, sometimes
more, days a week to visit and watch them
feed her.  Finally the day came when they
said we could bring her home and it was
the happiest day of my life.  She had quite 
a vocabulary.  If she couldn't see me she
would yell "mama" or "peek a boo" to 
find me.  She understood that peek a boo
meant someone would appear.  I would cover
my face and then uncover and say peek a boo
and she would get the next "turn" or I would 
hide behind the bed and jump out and say
peek a boo.  She was quite intelligent, but
all macaws are.  They usually don't have a
great vocabulary, though, and she was an
exception to that rule.  I'll never forget my
"beauty".  She brought immense joy into my life.
Here is another beauty:

Miss homecoming queen herself!
Isn't she beautiful?
Happy Sunday!


  1. What a beautiful bird! Sorry for your loss.
    Love the cards! And is this Bri?! Beautiful!

  2. She looks just like me, huh? LOL. She really does favour me in some ways, though.


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...