Saturday, June 24, 2017

Strange changes

 Before I get to what the title of this
post means, here is the card.  I've been
in the mood for stitching again, can
you tell?

This is from a pattern set of 6 so you'll see
more.  some of he center words were things
that I wouldn't use very often, like
"Happy Anniversary" and "Happy Mother's
Day".  Fortunately, if you line them up
correctly, they can be interchanged.

Here's another.  This one doesn't have
the lines above and below the sentiment.  
So, for the title, It's very strange how
my mother's personality has been changing.
For one thing, my dad says she is perfectly
happy at Drew's place and doesn't even
ask when/if she can come home.  She must
understand that this is her home now.  She
has been making friends with some of the
ladies there and even told my dad he could go
home yesterday because she wanted to take
a nap and then visit a lady in her room 
because the lady had come to visit in
mom's room!  My  mother doesn't
make friends.     She also told one of
the ladies while my dad was there that she
wanted to come "snoop" in her room to
get ideas on how to decorate her own. grandson, Ethan, and granddaughter,
Bri, came to visit yesterday (it is their mom
that works at Drew's place) and my mother 
was thrilled to see them, I am told.  She
has never shown one iota of interest
in any of her great grandchildren.  In fact,
she got mad at me years ago because I took
Andy and his infant son, Tyler, to visit
my grandparents when my grandmother
was very sick with cancer.  She was still
at home at the time.  We put the baby
on a blanket on the floor and they 
watched him with such love.  They
both love babies.  But my mom was
really angry because, well, because
Tyler's mom and dad weren't married...
That's just how she was.  She's a very
judgemental person.  I could tell you
stories but I won't.  But my grandparents
loved seeing their great grandson.  I'm
grateful that I chose to bring him to meet them.
Anyway, the point is that she is changing
so much.  Some may be from the medication,
some from the dementia, I'm not sure how
much is due to what.  I wish she had been
like this years ago.  Perhaps we would  have
been able to have the relationship 
I always wanted.
I'd better go get ready.  I have to leave
soon to go to a ladies breakfast at church.
They are having a speaker, but I can't 
remember if I heard what she is going
to talk about.  My mind is a little fried
these days.
Happy Saturday!

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great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...