Thursday, May 11, 2017

A little pink

It's cloudy and overcast today and I
love it.  We had a thunderstorm early
this morning but all I heard was a few
claps of thunder, then fell back to sleep.
I don't think we are supposed to get
any more rain today- a 30% chance, I
think.  That pretty much means no
rain.  But I hope it stays overcast
all day!!

Don't look too long.  The pink will blind
you.  I don't know, it just seemed like
a good idea at the time.  I think it's kind
of purty even though pink is not really
my colour.  I like black better.  You wouldn't
know it.  I have a hoodie the exact colour
as this card!
I'm going a little later to visit my insurance
lady.  She likes to "see her clients once
a year and make sure their insurance needs
are met".  I said, well, she seems to have
missed me the last three years.  I've never
even met her.  My sister in law says she
will try to sell me life insurance.  Sell
away.  I'm not buying.  Now if you can
give me a break on my car/house insurance
I'm all ears.  It's something to do, LOL
Happy Thursday!


  1. well that is a little bright, but I think you toned it down with all the embossing. Good job!

  2. You're right-It's shockingly pink! It's what I had on my desk, LOL!!


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...