Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Disaster narrowly avoided!

I just love these pictures of little girls
and couples.  They work perfectly
with the stitched cards.  I found
out, by the way, that a square card
-with no bulky embellishments-
costs 90 cents to send.  Not too
horrible, I guess.  Especially for
the enjoyment I'm getting from
making these cards.

Isn't she just the cutest little girl?!
So....I was taking Lili to be groomed yesterday.
Appparently  I didn't have the door of the
carrier latched completely.  The next thing
I know I'm getting ready to pull onto the
highway and I hear her flap out of the
carrier!  Now she is hanging on the edge 
of the window squawking and flapping.
That is NOT the way I want to drive to
Fort Wayne, not to mention it is not
safe for either of us.   So I had to pull over
and put her back in.  Thankfully she  went
in with no complaints.  I had to towel
her to get her to go in at home so I
was afraid I was going to have the
same problem and in a car, it's not as
easy.  I think she scared herself, though,
so she went right in.  I was relieved!
She's exactly the same weight as last
time she was there, so that's good.  She
is also much easier to hold now.  I let
her nails go too long.  The vet also cleaned
her tail.  I always wondered why her
tail looked so ratty.  Scarlet macaws have the
longest tails of all the macaws so I thought
it was just getting in her way.  This past
moult I realized that I had never seen her
preen her tail and she had these huge long
sheaths on the feathers.  I pointed this out
to the vet so she took the sheaths off.
Lili won't let me do it, of course.  Simply
bathing her doesn't help because she has
to be willing to take the sheaths off 
once they are wet.  Dumb bird.
I'm getting together with Dianne today
at our favourite haunt, the Mexican 
restaurant, Acapulco.   Good food, 
fast service and great chips and salsa!
Who could ask for more?
Happy Tuesday!


  1. You could ask for a margarita!!

  2. LOL. I don't think I've had one of those in my life. My go-to was always rum and coke. I haven't had a drink in years because of my meds. I miss it, LOL!


great design, not so great colour!

This card didn't come out like I hoped. I don't like the colour of the card stock. But it's still a great design. ...